Sunday, August 06, 2006

Summer Daze

Hot, hazy summer days. Really hot. Hottest I can recall in Toronto, with the temperature up in the high 30s lately, over 40 with the humidity. No complaints – these are the days I dream about in the gray winter cold. Love the warmth and the sun on my face.

We’ve been fortunate to spend a lot of time during June and July up at the cottage (hence all the cottage pics). Back to reality now; work and the city for the rest of the summer. Perhaps we’ll have a chance to get out to Western Ontario to visit friends for a weekend at the end of August. Am hopeful.

Work busy: no “summer slow down” at the hospital. It seems that with every surgeon’s vacation, another is booked in for o.r. time immediately. Space/time is at such a premium everywhere. Have had some very interesting cases lately, with much detail and complexity. Transfer out to one of our satellite sites for the next two weeks, and then to another for the end two weeks of the month. Love the variety of the work. Am hoping to get the conference that my colleague from another hospital and I have planned more organized over the next month, so that we can pull it all together for the late fall.

Kids are good. James working like crazy and making plans for school at least part-time in September. Phillip completed his summer school courses and is waiting to start work until he must return for grade 11 in September.

City is busy and fun! Caribana, the huge Caribbean street festival is this weekend (, with over a million extra people in town for the festivities! Caught some of the costumes yesterday – spectacular! It’s a long weekend (yay!), so I’ll try and get out and about to do some city walking and photography.

Purchased the new camera with the plethora of gift certificates for Henry’s that everyone was so kind to give me for birthday prezzies. Canon SD700 IS. Totally rocks! Haven’t played with half the things it will do yet, but love what I’ve discovered so far. Am really enjoying the online photo site Flickr – an opportunity to see some really great photography and connect with people globally.

Only current down side is that my youngest sister, Sally, has herniated a disc = psychedelic pain and almost total immobility. Pretty awful for someone who is normally extremely active. She’s been like this for over a month now, with no improvement and, in fact, some worsening of her symptoms. Back to the surgeon again next week for another consult. Am trying to get up there as much as possible to help out. Thankfully, her daughter is at home from university for the summer and is able to provide huge assistance.

I was in for the “one year post treatment follow-up” appointment. Had blood tests and the annual ultrasound. All looking good – have a little pancreatic cyst that we’ll keep an eye on, but nothing crazy going on. Sadly, the fabulous curly hair that I’d developed post-chemo seems to have this week decided to depart – now straight again. Darn!!! Was really liking those curls. Ah well, one thing I’ve gained from all of this is to appreciate what ever good things come along, for however long they last, and that each day brings new opportunities. Nothing is static.
